Dilemma of being "front talker"

"Oh you are so mean" "she is too rude" "don't befriend with her"
Iya.. temenan sama orang yang sangat straight forward untuk orang-orang berhati lemah memang sangat tidak meyenangkan. I  never get much complain like that when i was highschool and in university i got some culture shock on how in Jakarta there's some much people like me i always had friend or knew someone that are mooore straight forward than me, but here in Purwokerto whenever im being too "honest" people will take it as i judging them,i lecturer them.Neverthless, its some beneficial for some people who "use" me to talk or to do thing that they can't do. Taking example : In a teamwork there are kids that not participated yet they get good scores because the result of the others members are good and the lecturer gave equal score because they count us as "Team" the kids that really working on it feel upset and think that is unfair (including me) they just bad mouthing them and do nothing til i propose to report it to the lecturer and they agree, and guess who's going to talk to the lecturer? Of course me.. the rest are afraid that they will get a problem with those problematic peeps.See? i don't understand apa karena lingkungan gue dari dulu kaya gitu, or because this sumatran bloods in me that makes me like this. I can't stay quiet when i see something wrong, kalau orang-orang bilang "udah iarin aa urusan dia" but hey i don't think so, karena gue selalu inget quotes dari pak Anies Baswedan (i'm not a fan of him) . Quotesnya gini"Masalah muncul karena orang baik tidak melakukan apa-apa" "Kita memiliki banyak masalah bukan karena semata orang jahat banyak, tapu karena oran-orang baik yang ada hanya berdiam dan mendiamkan kejahatan yang terjadi" and i totally agree, i fed up sometimes dengan budaya jawa yang "gak enakan" itu yang dijadikan justifikasi buat gak membenarkan apa yang salah dan mendiamkan yang salah padahal emang aja gak ada awareness buat change something to better, please dont use that as excuse because it's obsolate already.
Back to the point of this, so i'm in dillema whenever people told me to not being too straight forward for whatever i think its wrong. Well i'm a very tolerance, i don't like to compel people to think as i am, i accept the different perpective and all , i'd like more if someone could do the same things as i do i mean to "straight forward" on me, to "slap" me, but i just havent found ones in my new environment. Yes i know i should adapt, yet in another side these people need a front talker so they will realize their mistake because if not, no one will tell him/her/them so they would think that it's alright to do so, and it's okay when it's NOT.
Well done for now, sorry i didnt make the ending good (still learning to makes a good ending for a writing.)

Next!!! I will share my touring experince from Bekasi-Bukittinggi, so stay tune!
