Debate makes me a better person

Well... i will start to telling you about my backgound and how i raised. So i am a moslem and my parents is not-so 'fanatic' i mean they islam they do all the Rukun Islam& Iman but they not a hardcore one like the moslem trend nowadays. You  know... man grow beard and using peci all time, or for women wears hijab syar'i and cadar (i dont say they are wrong instead i adore them how they can do all the things that Allah said unlike me, and i feel bad for myself somehow). Orang tua gue rasis sama  etnis thionghoa apalagi udah china terus kristen, we life just fine with another nonmoslem around us even they (my parents) have non moslem friends. But here the things, most of time they like to doktrin anak-anaknya secara tidak sadar dengan omongan rasisnya kaya dikit dikit "ah china" "ya wajar dia kaya gitu china sih" dan lain sebagainya. Hal itu yang sering gue denger dr gue kecil sampe sekarang and maybe til the future tho lol. So i grow up as racist person also, secara tidak sadar.
Terus apa hubungannya sama debat? Nah.. gue baru mulai debat itu pas masih maba dan rasanya ingin terus ngelanjutin debat when i have endless support of money lol but unfortunately i didnt. Selama berdebat gue sering dapet mosi aneh-aneh yang gak kepikiran, sering denger pendapat dan argumen aneh-aneh yang gue sangat judgemental of it sampe mikir "sotoy bgt sih nih orang" dan sebenernya itu gak boleh.. In debate... indirectly we are force to see the opposite opposite and how to use their perspective as our "gun" to counterattact them, and if we unable to "get" what they suppose to say in their perspective so we are doomed. Debating is open your mind (maybe you hear it like thousand times but yes i couldnt be more agree with that quote) We meet different people, with different perspective,different background,different sexual orientation, and that exposure will makes you more tolerant in many things. I learn how to put my personal preference.personal opinion in the right place. Mungkin gue masih rasis sampe sekarang, tapi rasis yang lebih beradab rasisnya in my own mind sendiri aja gitu maksudnya, lol. Intinya sekarang gue tidak segampang itu menggenelasir orang except if i had enough proof for that. So debate is sooo benefical for me beside giving me so much knowledge that i never know before, give me experince, and yes debating makes you a better person. Kalo gue banyak duit mah ya gue ikut ikutin aja tuh lomba debat bodo amat gak menang menang yang penting ilmu sama pengalamannya coy masa iya kita ikut lomba berkali kali and we get nothing from that, gak mungkin lah ya. and i because i am the type of person yang learn base on experince istilahnya belajar kalo udah salah,udah kejadian :P so i believe from the failures it will helps me improving without i realize. Fyi i've tried MUN also but i'm not interested on MUN that much because MUN is only improving your public speaking but not your analytical thinking because ya MUN kan normatif banget apa yang diomongin ya cuma idealis idealis aja ya gue maklum... menurut lo aja masa as a representative of state attacking banget kan gak wajar(kecuali kalo councilnya WTO or UNSC maybe?). That's why MUN is less interesting for me (sorry MUN-ers) but still i respect kok itu kan people's choice ya dan yang mau jadi MUNers semoga intermezzo tadi tidak menyurutkan minat kalian buat ikut MUN.
Nah kan jadi kemana mana bahasannya, i think i should stop right here, like exactly right now. Thanks for those who spent their precious time to read unimportant stuff like what you've just read above :P
